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For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
  1. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

When we became Christians, Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38; Titus 3:3-7). The Spirit lives in us, making our bodies a Temple (1 Cor. 6:19-20) and blessing us in many ways (Romans 8). We can be courageous people even in the face of attack, criticism, and ridicule because of the Spirit's presence. The fruit that the Spirit produces (Gal. 5:22-23) and the love that the Spirit pours into our heart (Rom. 5:5) do not make us weak. Instead, the Spirit's presence is a powerful force to help us overcome sin (Rom. 8:13) and live self-disciplined lives.


13 Babah 1740

Day 13 of the Blessed Coptic Month of Babah, may God make it always received, year after year, with reassurance and tranquility, while our sins after forgiven by the tender mercies of our God my fathers and brothers.

The Thirteenth Day of the Blessed Month of Babah

The Departure of Saint Zacharias, the Monk

      On this day, St. Zacharias the monk, departed. His father's name was Karyos. He was married, but he longed for the monastic life. He told his wife about what was on his mind and she agreed to it. Karyos had a son, called Zacharias and a daughter. He left them with their mother and went to the desert of Scete and became a monk at the hands of a holy old man. Shortly after, there was a great famine in the country and the wife took the two children and came to the desert where their father Karyos was. She complained to him about the tribulation which had come upon her through the famine and handed him the children. But Karyos told her, "God has divided the two children between us. You take the girl and leave the boy with me." She took her daughter and departed. Karyos took his son Zacharias and brought him to the elders who prayed over him and they prophesied that he would become a perfect monk.

      Zacharias was brought up well in the desert, and advanced in every virtue. Because he was exceedingly handsome and his fair look, there were many murmurs in the desert because of him and they said, "How is it, a boy like that dwells in the desert among the monks?" When St.Zacharias heard that, he went to lake El-Natroun (which was very salty) without telling anyone. He took off his apparel, plunged his body into the lake, and remained in it for many hours. The color of his body became black and he looked like a leper. Then he went forth from the water, put on his apparel and came to his father who did not recognize him until he had stared at him closely. When he asked him about what had changed his appearance, he told him what he had done. When it was Sunday, he went with his father to the church to partake of the Holy Mysteries. The Lord revealed to St. Isidore, the priest of Scete, what St. Zacharias had done. He marvelled and said to the monks, "Zacharias received the offering last Sunday as a man, but now he has become an angel."

      This saint possessed many virtues, especially the virtue of humility in which he had reached such a degree of perfection that his father said about him, "I have labored greatly in the fight, but I have never attained the extent of my son Zacharias." St. Zacharias lived a strenuous life and strove exceedingly hard for 45 years. When he came to the desert, he was seven years old and all the days of his life numbered 52 years, then he departed in peace.

May his prayers and blessings be with us all, and Glory be to God forever. Amen.


13 Babah 1740

Vespers Psalm

From the Psalms of our teacher David the prophet.
May his blessings be with us all.

Psalms 65 : 4 - 5

Chapter 65

4 Blessed is the man You choose, And cause to approach You, That he may dwell in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Of Your holy temple.
5 By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas;

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Our Lord God, Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ, the Living Son of God to whom be glory forever.

Vespers Gospel

Stand in the fear of God and listen to the Holy Gospel.
A reading from the Gospel according to our teacher Saint Matthew the Evangelist.
May His Blessings be with us all.

Matthew 24 : 42 - 47

Chapter 24

42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.
43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
45 "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?
46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.
47 Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods.

And Glory be to God forever.


Matins Psalm

From the Psalms of our teacher David the prophet.
May his blessings be with us all.

Psalms 37 : 17,18,29

Chapter 37

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, But the LORD upholds the righteous.
18 The LORD knows the days of the upright, And their inheritance shall be forever.
29 The righteous shall inherit the land, And dwell in it forever.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Our Lord God, Savior, and King of us all, Jesus Christ, the Living Son of God to whom be glory forever.


Matins Gospel

Stand in the fear of God and listen to the Holy Gospel.
A reading from the Gospel according to our teacher Saint Mark the Evangelist.
May His Blessings be with us all.

Mark 13 : 33 - 37

Chapter 13

33 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.
34 It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.
35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming--in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning--
36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.
37 And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"

And Glory be to God forever.



Liturgy Gospel

Paulines Epistle

Paul, the servant of our Lord Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, appointed to the Gospel of God.
A reading from the Epistle of our teacher Paul to the Corinthians .
May his blessings be upon us.

1 Corinthians 3 : 4 - 23

Chapter 3

4 For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not carnal?
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one?
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building.
10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it.
11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
12 Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,
13 each one's work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one's work, of what sort it is.
14 If anyone's work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.
15 If anyone's work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.
18 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their own craftiness";
20 and again, "The LORD knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile."
21 Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours:
22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death, or things present or things to come--all are yours.
23 And you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.

The grace of God the Father be with you all.

صفحات‏ ‏كتابية‏ (46)++ ‏الالتقاء‏ ‏بالمسيح‏ ‏آتي‏ ‏إليك

تعالوا‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏يا‏ ‏جميع‏ ‏المتعبين‏ ‏والثقيلي‏ ‏الأحمال‏, ‏وأنا‏ ‏أريحكم‏ (‏مت‏11:28)‏
‏* ‏الإنسان‏ ‏لا‏ ‏يتغير‏ ‏إلا‏ ‏بالنعمة‏, ‏والنعمة‏ ‏لا‏ ‏تأتي‏ ‏إلا‏ ‏عندما‏ ‏نجاهد‏ ‏روحيا‏, ‏ونحن‏ ‏لا‏ ‏نرغب‏ ‏إلا‏ ‏عندما‏ ‏نطلب‏ ‏باشتياق‏ ‏ما‏ ‏هو‏ ‏فوق‏, ‏نطلب‏ ‏المسيح‏.‏
‏* ‏قيمة‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏تقاس‏ ‏بقوة‏ ‏شخصيته‏ ‏وبنائه‏ ‏الداخلي‏, ‏وليس‏ ‏في‏ ‏ماله‏ ‏أو‏ ‏منصبه‏.. ‏لكن‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏أمام‏ ‏أمور‏ ‏كثيرة‏ ‏في‏ ‏العالم‏ ‏ضعيف‏ ‏للغاية‏.‏
فمثلا‏ ‏إنسان‏ ‏جبار‏ ‏مثل‏ ‏شمشون‏, ‏أحد‏ ‏قضاة‏ ‏بني‏ ‏إسرائيل‏ ‏تتخلي‏ ‏عنه‏ ‏نعمة‏ ‏الله‏ ‏عندما‏ ‏يسقط‏ ‏في‏ ‏شهوات‏ ‏نفسه‏, ‏ويسقط‏ ‏أمام‏ ‏دليلة‏. ‏فقيمة‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏في‏ ‏قوته‏ ‏الداخلية‏. ‏وفي‏ ‏نفس‏ ‏الوقت‏ ‏فتاة‏ ‏صغيرة‏ ‏مثل‏ ‏يوستينا‏ ‏الشهيدة‏ ‏مجرد‏ ‏اسمها‏ ‏يهزم‏ ‏الشياطين‏.‏
أولا‏: ‏أناس‏ ‏ذهب‏ ‏إليهم‏ ‏المسيح‏:‏
‏1- ‏سمعان‏ ‏الفريسي‏: ‏ذهب‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏بيت‏ ‏سمعان‏ ‏الفريسي‏.. ‏وكانت‏ ‏زيارة‏ ‏المسيح‏ ‏له‏ ‏لكي‏ ‏يكشف‏ ‏معدن‏ ‏هذا‏ ‏الإنسان‏, ‏ويضعه‏ ‏في‏ ‏مقارنة‏ ‏أمام‏ ‏المرأة‏ ‏الخاطئة‏ ‏وهي‏ ‏التي‏ ‏تفوز‏ (‏لو‏7:36-50).‏
‏2- ‏المرأة‏ ‏السامرية‏: ‏ذهب‏ ‏المسيح‏ ‏للمرأة‏ ‏السامرية‏ ‏عند‏ ‏البئر‏.‏
‏3- ‏زكا‏ ‏العشار‏: ‏قابله‏ ‏عند‏ ‏الشجرة‏, ‏وهي‏ ‏ترمز‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏الصليب‏, ‏فالمسيح‏ ‏أراد‏ ‏أن‏ ‏يقابل‏ ‏زكا‏ ‏عند‏ ‏خشبة‏ ‏الصليب‏ ‏الشجرة‏ ‏ليقدم‏ ‏له‏ ‏الخلاص‏.‏
يذهب‏ ‏المسيح‏ ‏لهؤلاء‏ ‏الناس‏ ‏لأجل‏ ‏ثلاثة‏ ‏أسباب‏:‏
‏1- ‏خلاص‏ ‏نفوسهم‏: ‏لكي‏ ‏يعرفوا‏ ‏المسيح‏ ‏المخلص‏.‏
‏2- ‏شفائهم‏ ‏الروحي‏: ‏شفاء‏ ‏أمراضهم‏ ‏وشفائهم‏ ‏من‏ ‏الخطية‏.‏
‏3- ‏إقامة‏ ‏الموتي‏: ‏في‏ ‏مراحل‏ ‏مختلفة‏, ‏كإقامة‏ ‏ابنة‏ ‏يايرس‏ ‏أو‏ ‏إقامة‏ ‏ابن‏ ‏أرملة‏ ‏نايين‏ ‏أو‏ ‏إقامة‏ ‏لعازر‏.‏
ثانيا‏: ‏أناس‏ ‏ذهبوا‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏المسيح
‏* ‏قد‏ ‏يكونوا‏ ‏سمعوا‏ ‏عنه‏ ‏بحثوا‏ ‏عنه‏ ‏مثل‏:‏
‏1- ‏المرأة‏ ‏الكنعانية‏: ‏كانت‏ ‏تصرخ‏ ‏بحرارة‏ ‏ارحمني‏, ‏يا‏ ‏سيد‏, ‏يا‏ ‏ابن‏ ‏داود‏! (‏مت‏15:22).‏
‏2- ‏نازفة‏ ‏الدم‏: ‏التي‏ ‏كانت‏ ‏كل‏ ‏أمنيتها‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تلمس‏ ‏هدب‏ ‏ثوبه‏ (‏مت‏9:20).‏
‏3- ‏أصدقاء‏ ‏المفلوج‏: ‏أصحاب‏ ‏الإيمان‏ ‏بصانع‏ ‏المعجزات‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يستطيع‏ ‏أن‏ ‏يشفي‏ ‏صديقهم‏ (‏مر‏2:3).‏
أسباب‏ ‏الجاذبية‏ ‏في‏ ‏شخص‏ ‏المسيح‏ ‏والتي‏ ‏جعلت‏ ‏الناس‏ ‏تريد‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تتقابل‏ ‏معه‏.‏
‏1- ‏المخلص‏ ‏الوحيد‏: ‏ليس‏ ‏بأحد‏ ‏غيره‏ ‏الخلاص‏ (‏أع‏4:12), ‏هو‏ ‏المخلص‏ ‏الوحيد‏ ‏من‏ ‏الخطية‏ ‏التي‏ ‏هي‏ ‏داء‏ ‏الإنسان‏.‏
‏2- ‏الراعي‏ ‏الصالح‏: ‏المسيح‏ ‏هو‏ ‏الراعي‏ ‏الصالح‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يرعي‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏علي‏ ‏حسب‏ ‏تعبير‏ ‏الكتاب‏ ‏الرب‏ ‏راعي‏ ‏فلا‏ ‏يعوزني‏ ‏شيء‏ (‏مز‏23:1), ‏رعاية‏ ‏الله‏ ‏للإنسان‏ ‏رعاية‏ ‏دائمة‏ ‏لا‏ ‏يحدها‏ ‏زمان‏ ‏ولا‏ ‏مكان‏.‏
‏3- ‏باب‏ ‏السماء‏: ‏أي‏ ‏هو‏ ‏الوسيلة‏ ‏الوحيدة‏ ‏التي‏ ‏تصل‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏بالسماء‏ ‏اجتهدوا‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تدخلوا‏ ‏من‏ ‏الباب‏ ‏الضيق‏ (‏لو‏13:24).‏
‏4- ‏القادر‏ ‏علي‏ ‏كل‏ ‏شيء‏: ‏القادر‏ ‏علي‏ ‏كل‏ ‏شيء‏ (‏رؤ‏16:7), ‏هو‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يستطيع‏ ‏أن‏ ‏يحول‏ ‏الخوف‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏شجاعة‏ ‏واليأس‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏رضا‏ ‏والحزن‏ ‏إلي‏ ‏فرح‏..‏
‏5- ‏المعلم‏ ‏الصالح‏: ‏المسيح‏ ‏هو‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يعلم‏ ‏الإنسان‏ ‏السلوك‏ ‏المسيحي‏ ‏الراقي‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يهذب‏ ‏الروح‏ ‏ويرفع‏ ‏من‏ ‏إنسانيته‏.‏
‏6- ‏المعطي‏ ‏القوة‏: ‏المسيح‏ ‏هو‏ ‏الذي‏ ‏يعطي‏ ‏قوة‏ ‏النعمة‏ ‏تكفيك‏ ‏نعمتي‏ (2‏كو‏12:9).‏
ثالثا‏: ‏خطوات‏ ‏تساعدك‏ ‏علي‏ ‏الالتقاء‏ ‏بالمسيح‏:‏
‏1- ‏اثبت‏: ‏اثبت‏ ‏في‏ ‏إيمانك‏ ‏وأقوي‏ ‏تعبير‏ ‏عن‏ ‏الإيمان‏ ‏المزدهر‏ ‏هو‏ ‏سير‏ ‏القديسين‏ ‏وأبطال‏ ‏الإيمان‏, ‏فلا‏ ‏تجعل‏ ‏إيمانك‏ ‏شكليا‏.‏
‏2- ‏حاول‏: ‏حاول‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تدرك‏ ‏محبة‏ ‏الله‏ ‏نحوك‏, ‏الله‏ ‏يتحرك‏ ‏نحوك‏ ‏بالحب‏, ‏فعليك‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تدرك‏ ‏مقدار‏ ‏هذه‏ ‏المحبة‏.‏
‏3- ‏تحرك‏: ‏تحرك‏ ‏نحو‏ ‏الله‏ ‏دائما‏ ‏بالصلاة‏, ‏فالمسيح‏ ‏علمنا‏ ‏أنه‏ ‏ينبغي‏ ‏أن‏ ‏نصلي‏ ‏كل‏ ‏حين‏. ‏وهذا‏ ‏معناه‏ ‏كن‏ ‏في‏ ‏حركة‏ ‏اقتراب‏ ‏دائمة‏ ‏نحو‏ ‏الله‏.‏
‏4- ‏اجعل‏: ‏اجعل‏ ‏لك‏ ‏عملا‏ ‏يعبر‏ ‏عن‏ ‏محبتك‏ ‏لله‏ ‏إن‏ ‏كان‏ ‏بالخدمة‏ ‏أو‏ ‏بأعمال‏ ‏الرحمة‏.. ‏فعندما‏ ‏تلتقي‏ ‏بالمسيح‏ ‏سيعطيك‏ ‏قوة‏ ‏خاصة‏.. ‏فيوسف‏ ‏الصديق‏ ‏نال‏ ‏قوة‏ ‏داخلية‏ ‏أمام‏ ‏إغراء‏ ‏امرأة‏ ‏فوطيفار‏, ‏وإسطفانوس‏ ‏الشهيد‏ ‏الأول‏ ‏أيضا‏ ‏نال‏ ‏قوة‏ ‏داخلية‏ ‏أمام‏ ‏راجميه‏.. ‏إذا‏ ‏فأنت‏ ‏الرابح‏ ‏في‏ ‏الحالتين‏ ‏عندما‏ ‏يزورك‏ ‏مسيحك‏ ‏من‏ ‏خلال‏ ‏النعمة‏ ‏أو‏ ‏عندما‏ ‏تسعي‏ ‏أنت‏ ‏لتلتقي‏ ‏به‏ ‏وتكون‏ ‏النتيجة‏ ‏أن‏ ‏تشعر‏ ‏بهذه‏ ‏القوة‏ ‏في‏ ‏داخلك‏ ‏وأنه‏ ‏يرافق‏ ‏طريقك‏ ‏في‏ ‏كل‏ ‏يوم‏.