![news november13 for copt4G news november13 for copt4G](https://scontent.fruh2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/23434830_1553958464642286_2099706911494366058_n.jpg?oh=86432cdba98c0c4862c84a8eeb401e33&oe=5A62E3FB)
News on Monday blessed November 2017 13 4 corresponding to the martyrs HATOR 1733 prepared by Radio Copts World: News local church: the Church celebrates the ordination of bishops Ptgeles and the presence of 102 new +++ bishop of the bishops of the Holy Synod of the Church celebrates .... Ptgeles three of the Bishops and ordain four others +++ Tgeles HG Bishop Angelos General Bishop Bastevenچ bishop of the Diocese of London, England +++ Tgeles St. Karas General Bishop in New Jersey, Bishop of the Diocese of Banslvanaa, Delaware, Maryland and West Verچanaa +++ Tgeles HG Bishop marc bishop of Paris and northern France +++ ordination The ruler of Begul al-Muharraqi bishop Iasa Monastery of the Virgin Mary, known as "Muharraq" +++ Father Antonio Ordination Ava Shenouda Bishop Milan, Italy +++ Ordination Father Seraphim Alcyriana bishop of the Diocese of Ohio and Michigan Indiana +++ Father Giovanni Ordination Ava Shenouda Bishop of Central Europe +++ In his speech, Mass Ordination new bishops .. His Holiness Pope: the Episcopal heavy talents, a great trust, responsibility seriously +++ Pope delivers care Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria stick to the parents of the new bishops to establish 3 new +++ monks of Mount Alqlala ..... However, Abba Pachomius +++ " Bible Study Skills "for Sinbillawin Churches and neighboring villages +++ Stories for Life (17) ..... The Sentinel For small Pope Father +++ Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria Athanasius Rizk reveals the development Alzraab +++ area trip "Tour of Deacons" The three saints remains of the monastery of St. George Coptic News Balersiqat +++ locally: After the death sentence was aggravated .. 7 years fought for "Joseph with me "In the beginning of the killing of a driver +++ warning to« Ismail »and 3 ministers and the governor of Alexandria to cancel the decisions of the closure of churches +++