News on Monday, December 22, 2019, corresponding to 12 Kehk (Mariami month) 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Copts of the World: Church News locally: His Holiness the Pope receives the Secretary General of the Council of Middle East Churches +++ Inauguration of a new church in Kafr Atallah Suleiman in Mit Ghamr +++ The sixth annual meeting of His Holiness the Pope with the bishops and priests of the Greater Cairo Dioceses of Social Welfare Service +++ "Know Me" at the "Alumni" Conference of the Diocese of Suez +++ The headquarters of St. Bishoy Monastery in Cairo and the ordination of the Deaconess +++ Qadissi Church N in Alexandria celebrates the ninth birthday of the martyrs of the saints +++ St. Raphael denies the response to the Archbishop of Los Angeles: what is published incorrectly +++ Church news globally: a priority for the Coptic Church in Montreal in the purchase of Latin Catholic Churches +++