News on Sunday, the Blessed of December 2, 2018 Dec 23 hatour 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : with the start of the Christmas fast ... the opening of a new branch of the retired Damanhour prison of the convening of a high priest +++ reception and measures of His Grace Bishop Marcos +++ go sit down and grace the warrior Marcus, Bishop of Damietta and Kafr el-Sheikh and monastery of St. Damian
So catering the monastery of St. his chaste Demian library +++ the governor of Dakahlia congratulates his Grace Bishop Marcos naturalization +++ His Grace Bishop Paula: my joy as coming by His Grace Bishop Marcos +++ His Grace Bishop Marcos: His Grace Bishop yishui enjoy enjoyed excellent relations with the 3 patriarchs +++ Anba Marcus visits the auction Anba yishui before you start the ceremony you go sit down + + + + + + 3 new priests ordination was held his art +++ stories of life (36) ..."How do they think?" His Holiness Pope Tawadros II +++ Saint Paul the hermit we would take a bishop to buy in Alexandria +++ the Attorney General, transmitting 11 accused for trial in the events of the Church of St. Mina Helwan +++ "to maximize myself in the Lord".. new book by one Moses +++ 8 December.. the leadership of the church, and the ability of the Forty Martyrs "St. Samuel" +++