News of the blessed Sunday of June 30, 2019 Corresponding to 23 Bouna 1735 for the martyrs of the world Copts broadcast: News of the Church locally: Congratulation of His Holiness the Pope to the President and the Egyptian people with a revolution June ++ Pope Twadros: the revolution of June 30 has kept our country from rupture +++ Receives the remains of the first martyrs Estvanus Baqus +++ in the presence of 2000 young men and women .... Building personality and talents in the Carnival of the university families with the Bishop of Youth +++ 1600 Children ... Carnival of the 16th childhood in the parish of Maadi +++ Bishop Bakhomios ends his annual pastoral visit Matrouh +++ Governor Matrouh guides Bishop Bakhoumios the shield of the province in appreciation of his efforts Service since 1971, the start of the celebration to devote +++ Saints Cosmas Church and Demian in Tamouh Students +++ Center Pope Shenouda III, visit the Cultural Center of the Coptic Orthodox Church worldwide +++ News: educational conferences for grades Baabarchih Turin and Rome +++