News of the blessed day of Ramadan 27 October 2017 AD 1717 Baba 1733 for the martyrs of the World Copts News: News of the Church locally: pain and the maker of good ... Speech of His Holiness Pope in the weekly meeting Wednesday at the Church of the Angel at the House of Karma, HH Pope Benedict XVI speaks about his trip to Germany +++ His Holiness speaks about the medical examinations he conducted in Germany +++ at News of the Blessed Friday 27 October 2017 AD 17 Pope 1733 for the martyrs of the World Copts News: News of the Church locally: pain and the maker of good ... Speech of His Holiness Pope at the weekly meeting Wednesday at the Church of the Angel at the House of Karma in Mariout +++ at the meeting Wednesday HH Pope Benedict XVI speaks about his trip to Germany +++ His Holiness speaks about the medical examinations he conducted in Germany +++ at Wednesday's meeting .. His Holiness: Egypt is currently engaged in two battles, a battle against violence and terrorism and the battle of development and construction +++ sponsored by the Bible House And the Center of St. Timotheus Archbishop of Youth .. Fourth Conference of the study of books The Holy Bible in Alexandria +++ 215 Priests and Priests Represent 13 Diocese ... At the end of the first groups of "The program of His Holiness Pope Twadros II for the development of ecclesiastical education" +++ After renovation .. The inauguration of the church and the ordination of deacons in Kotsika +++ To celebrate the anniversary of "Tamav Irini" +++ Church News Worldwide: Visit of His Holiness Bishop Paula to our church in Brightwan +++ Coptic News locally: Prosecution investigations into the killing of the priest of the lawn .. The accused: planned the crime 45 days ago .. Christians are polytheists and spread infidelity. She took the plunge during fundraising +++Wednesday's meeting .. His Holiness: Egypt is currently engaged in two battles, a battle against violence and terrorism and the battle of development and construction +++ sponsored by the Bible House And St. Timotheus Center in the Archdiocese of Youth Of the Bible in Alexandria +++ 215 priests and ministers represent 13 churches ... At the end of the first groups of "The program of His Holiness Pope Twadros II for the development of ecclesiastical education" +++ After renovation .. The inauguration of the church and the ordination of deacons in Kotsika +++ To celebrate the anniversary of "Tamav Irini" +++ Church News Worldwide: Visit of His Holiness Bishop Paula to our church in Brightwan +++ Coptic News locally: Prosecution investigations into the killing of the priest of the lawn .. The accused: planned the crime 45 days ago .. Christians are polytheists and spread infidelity. She took the plunge during fundraising +++