![news october28 for copt4G. news october28 for copt4G.](https://scontent.fruh2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/44830418_1980777108627084_1833863387994390528_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_ht=scontent.fruh2-1.fna&oh=7c02bced23b87b03698440256938ed43&oe=5C3FC66B)
News on Sunday a blessed October 28, 2018 Dec 18 the door of his 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : His Holiness the pope visited the monastery of Abu for +++ the church deserves the nominations of bishops.. are November 24 next +++ 51 the diocese, a total of 876 intern .......Even now, at the conclusion of the training regiment Fourth of the program of the holiness of the pope to develop the education of the church +++ the centre of a large share of the people of the Diocese of manfalout .. His Grace Bishop in praying the liturgy monastery Prince Tadros in manfalūţ +++ the departure of the elder priests of the Diocese of Luxor, father T-shirts Tawadros Guido the priest of the monastery of the Prince Tawadros Levantine (warrior) west of Luxor +++ Pope Tawadros mourns elder priests of the Diocese of Luxor +++ news of the church universal : Channel new source the visiting Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the north of France +++ the war of the Coptic Australian cost Han the patience of my position as legal adviser to the partnership, Egypt +++ News Coptic locally : "criminal Damanhur" two witnesses to the cause of death of Anba wins the head of the monastery of Abu against the Wadi-el-Natroun +++ adjourn the hearing of the trial of "Isaiah flees" to the first of November +++