News on Saturday, May 12, 2018, corresponding to 4 Bishnas 1733 for the martyrs (holy martyrs), prepared by Radio Copts of the World: News of the Church locally: the second day of the celebrations of the Virgin manifestation of olives .. Eve and the Jubilee Course +++ Pope Tawadros: Egypt has a special place in the heart of " "+ + Centennial celebration Sunday schools ... Rest of the day Two days +++ preparations for the celebration of" St. Demiana "and the installation of tents in the vicinity of the monastery in Dakahlia +++ The oldest wooden altar in the world .. The most important holdings of the Hall of the" Churches of Ancient Egypt " Church News Worldwide: Closing Conference of Bishops and Priests of Europe +++ Scientific trip for students of Theological College Plus Los +++ Italy and Greece on the day of friendship .. Pope receives Bishops of Los Onچlos years +++ Bishop David Bishop of New York in New Jersey deputy papal +++