News on Monday, December 2, 2019 corresponding to 22 Hattor 1736 for the martyrs prepared by the Copts of the World Radio: News of the Church locally: a statement from the Diocese of Mallawi regarding the collapse of the wall of the church in Deir Abu Fana and killed and injured people as a result of the accident +++ The collapse of the wall of the archaeological church in Abovana Condolences to Pope Tawadros in the victims of a wall collapse Church of Minya +++ "Antiquities" transmit the incident of the collapse of the wall of the monastery "Abu Fana" for the prosecution +++ Teach me your life (6) ..... His Holiness Pope Tawadros II +++ Ordination of three priests of the Diocese of Manfalout +++ ordained deacons of sons Sudanese President in the Church of East Nasr City +++ President of Hungary Visits Deir El-Shayeb +++ Copts News Locally: Education Addresses the Church to know the Epiphany Day to set the dates of the first and second secondary exams +++ Young people in contemporary societies .. alienation and subjectivity +