News Holy Friday December 28, 2018 Dec 20 Kiahk 1735 partners ( Marian month ) of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : the Holy Father receives the delegation of the Ministry of Finance and mintage +++ the minister of "Deputies": Legalize 500 church to accomplish social +++ statements of defence witnesses in the case of the death of St. Epiphanius +++ monasteries open their doors to visitors Copts during Christmas +++ the death of the mother of Father Mousa Roshdy prayers of the funeral Fayoum +++ network availability I have St. Mark's Cathedral in El-abbassia to see His Holiness the pope in the prayer of glorification .. "see 2" +++ see 2....Six of the inks of the church and dozens of priests +++ in energy (2) His Holiness the pope says young people in praise, + + + in the "see 2" .. "now" accompany "praise the Virgin" +++ His Holiness Pope young people participate in praise "my heart and my tongue cause ..." +++