News on Monday, blessed October 22, 2018 Dec 12 the door of his 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : "New our days as the old" ....702 of the fathers of the priests and servants even now at the conclusion of the exercises the regiment III of the programme of His Holiness the pope to develop the education of the Church +++ of the Actors Workshop in the Second Regiment of the second level of the programme of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II to develop the education of the Church +++ Pope Tawadros: the life of the monks need for a spiritual special +++ Pope Tawadros: the organization of the forum of the Coptic international every two years +++ sources: the transfer of Anba Isaac, the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the eye of the Sun +++ sources: St. Herman of our travels to the churches of the east of Alexandria +++ sources reveal the position of the Church of the separation of the monastery of St. Damian for Damietta +++ a priest of the church blazing into the Sun confirms: the cause of the fire was not disclosed after the +++ odds easy launched work 27 the Saint Takla +++