News on Monday, the Blessed May 15, 2017 Dec 7 launch photo 1733 partners ( five seat ) from preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : The Feast of the martyrdom of "the Mother" esna and her children +++ ordained a priest two piece tahta +++ the car is on fire limited to the perimeter of the Archbishopric of St. Demian, dakahlia because of the explosion cylinder cooker+++ Copts in Egypt, 15 million and they fry it up +++ spiritual revival of the "Queen Helena" in the sense +++ the Renaissance of spiritual "Ana arsenius info children of Kings." kotsika +++ schedule of His Holiness the forty martyrs of the See of St. Mark on May 20 next the monastery of St. Mina mret +++ news of the church universal : Meeting His Holiness Pope tawadros with the head of the sapd Canterbury, England +++ meet the spirit of my study centers training CACYB America +++ news Coptic locally : Director of the Giza security check secured churches +++ shot against a Coptic shot in sohag +++ the Minister of endowments : we will not allow hard-grade National bring about affliction +++