News on Monday, December 16, 2019, corresponding to 6 KiK (the month of Mary) 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Copts of the World: Church News locally: Church sources: Pope Tawadros is presiding over the Christmas Mass in the administrative capital +++ on the 48th anniversary of Sheikh Al-Mutarna .. Intense pastoral activity in the Diocese of the lake +++ Anba Bakhoumios presides over the celebration of the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Gerard School in Alexandria +++ a deacon painter in the sunrise +++ a painter of the tomb and 190 “psalms” in Helwan +++ the ordination of a new priest of the Diocese of Benha +++ The diocese of Mallawi Organizing a blood donation campaign for oncology patients +++ Pope Tawadros: "I am proud that my country is holding a conference Youth T "+++ with contemporary youth issues: Alienation (2) +++