News on Friday, March 20, 2020 AD, corresponding to 11 Baramhat 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Coptic World (Holy Great Lent): Church news locally: Notice from the Monastery of St. Anba Bishoy to close the monastery and prevent the reception of visitors and the families of monks for a period of two weeks from its date +++ Note from Saint Anba Paula Monastery in the Red Sea by closing the monastery and preventing the reception of visitors and the families of the monks until the Day of Resurrection +++ "Keri Ellison" daily message to His Holiness Pope Tawadros II during the period of great fasting and reflections on his students: Have mercy on God then have mercy on us from the Day of the Cross +++ Pope Tawadros: Corona virus revealed human weakness, despite +++ The global development of +++ disinfection and sterilization of the churches of Tanta +++ The Bishop resides in the General Bishop of Esna and Armant presides over the Mass of the feast of the Cross +++ Injury of a Corona worshiper +++ Coptic news locally: A Christian sterilizes the mosques of Sharm El-Sheikh: “I am afraid of those who love them from Corona” +++