News on blessed Monday, February 10, 2020 AD corresponding to 2 amshir 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Coptic World: Church news locally: +++ Grace and its images in the book of Jonah the Prophet ... Sermon of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II on the Sound Cloud +++ First Conference of the Relations Committee General for higher level parishes +++ 400 girls .. “You are my lover” .. in a secondary girls ’meeting in Esna and Armenet +++ Parish dioceses of Mallawi’s journey of the Holy Family +++ in the presence of 1000 young men ..“ Karisma ”meeting with Al-Ajmi +++ 180 painter A deacon within the "Samalut" celebrations of the martyrs of the modern era +++ 39 deacon ... for service in the city of Kharga +++ 300 scouts .. in the first scout meeting Congregation in the Diocese of Minya +++ The ordination of a new priest in the Diocese of Maadi +++ The Copts begin the fasting of Greece tomorrow for 3 days +++ Anba Makarios delivers for the first time the remains of the martyrs of the St. George terrorist terrorist incident +++ Coptic Egypt students studying homosexuality +++