News of the Blessed Thursday, May 28, 2020 AD, 20 Bashnis 1736, for the martyrs prepared by Radio Copts of the World (Glorious Ascension Day - Holy Fifties): Local Church News: Boom of Joy (37) .... Anba Karas, Bishop of Mahalla El Kobra +++ from Is the church? ... HG Bishop Musa +++ 9- Raising animals, whether for entertainment or economic benefit, to face free time .. The Women’s Committee in the Holy Council launches the initiative “Your time is dear” +++ Anba Abram .. We ask the Lord to open the doors of our closed hearts ++ + We publish the guarantees of the safety of worshipers when opening churches for masses +++ “No longer that ...” Posted by Anba Jeremiah +++ Church news globally: The message of the papal representative of the diocese of Sydney, Australia, about the latest developments and conditions +++ 2 meters and keeping a record of the participants for the purpose Tracking contracts ... highlights of church opening in New Zealand +++