News of the blessed day of Ramadan, October 13, 2017, corresponding to 3 pb 1733 for the martyrs of the world Copts: News of the Church locally: "Selection of sweet speech" ... and a new number of the magazine Alkraza +++ The martyrdom of the priest of Baba and Al-Fashn, + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Anba Raphael: "Whenever you kill a martyr, the church will thrive and grow ... !!" Is not cheap .. The sky is replying +++ Bishop Rafael to the "terrorists": blood of the martyrs Tell the tree of the church +++ Bishop of Baba and Al-Fashn of the martyr priest: marked with courage and the lover of Muslims +++ movie "Augustine son of tears" Alexandria + +++ Al-Azhar's agent: Assaulting the priest Samaan Shehata is a despicable act rejected by the heavenly lawns +++ accused of killing the "Lawn Priest": "Killing him intentionally" .. Inquiries: perpetual abuse of "Copts" +++