News of the blessed day of Ramadan 15 September 2017, corresponding to 5 of Tut 1733 for the martyrs of the Copts World News: News of the Church locally: the program of His Holiness the Pope to develop ecclesiastical education .... for Khaddam Benha and Quesna +++ 4 files at the table of Pope Tawadros after his return to Cairo : The events of the villages of Minya and the time of the law of building and amend the conditions of the churches and the law of personal status and the request for presidential pardon for the monk Paul Al Rayani +++ Deputy Governor of Cairo listening to the proposals of church leaders in the capital on community service +++ News of the World Church: His Holiness Pope arrives at Melbourne airport in preparation for his return to EGYPT +++ Transit .. His Holiness Pope Dubai Airport +++ The Pope returns to the homeland +++ Coptic News: Locating a robber who tried to steal traces from the Coptic Museum +++ Security source reveals scenes of attempted theft of Coptic Museum +++ accused of stealing Coptic Museum admits: financial distress behind the attack The crime +++