News on Monday, January 6, 2020, corresponding to 27 Keek (Maryam month) 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Coptic World: Local Church News: Patriarch Ibrahim Ishaq and the delegation of the Catholic Church congratulate His Holiness the Pope on Eid +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic and a delegation of church leaders Catholic +++ The Prime Minister congratulates His Holiness the Pope on the occasion +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the President of the National Elections Authority and its leaders +++ to congratulate the Pope ... His Holiness the Pope receives the Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority +++ The Holiness the Pope receives the Minister of Defense and a delegation of the leaders of the Armed Forces ++ + Minister of the Interior Eng Pope Tawadros Christmas: A beacon for moderation and moderation +++ Leaders of the Judges Club and the State Council congratulate His Holiness the Pope on the feast +++ 5 visits to the church at Christmas .. Sisi creates national cohesion between Muslims and Copts +++ three new monks for the Monastery of Anba Pachomius in Edfu and his farm Khattabata +++ Opening of the Church of Anba Moussa in Minya after its reconstruction +++ News of the Church globally: The Egyptian Ambassador in Accra congratulates the Coptic community in Ghana on Christmas Day +++