News on Monday, blessed February 27, 2017 Dec 20 amshir 1733 partners of preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : "bestowed them on the church your article, caring for your flock in peace" .. ordained 3 priests of the dead immersion +++ establishment of three monks of the new Monastery of Al-shayeb +++ disclaimer from the Diocese of ismailia .....Donation account Terre events in the north of Sinai +++ the Diocese of Port Said implementation of the perceived as the families of the Copts of Al-arish +++ news Coptic locally : Governor isih : job opportunities and links to the monthly rates for families Coptic displaced people +++ the government knows analgesia 118 captured by a Coptic + + + + + + measure the needs of 100 families......Continue efforts of the church and government to accommodate the displaced North Sinai +++ Mina Munir from the crisis arish : Blessed are expelled for the +++ on the slave year : should compensate the families of the Coptic by people displaced from Al-arish and the families of the martyrs +++