News on Wednesday, blessed December 26, 2018 Dec 18 Kiahk 1735 partners ( Marian month ) of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : Pope congratulates our brothers of the Catholic Christmas. + + + the word of one Ibrahim Isaac, patriarch of the Coptic Catholic in the visit of His Holiness the pope to congratulate him working +++ Pope Tawadros II cast control on the choir who had to submit a paragraph of hymns +++ the word Holiness Pope Tawadros II in congratulating one of Abraham, Isaac +++ His Holiness the pope congratulates the Greek Orthodox Christmas. + + + the word of Pope Francis congratulated the Greek Orthodox Christmas. + + + the word of His Holiness Patriarch Theodoros II Pope of Alexandria and other African Orthodox +++ On the eve of and go sit down by His Grace Bishop Eric on a chair, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the New Valley oases +++