News on Tuesday, February 27th, 2018, corresponding to 19 Amshir 1733 to the martyrs of the preparation of the Copts of Radio World: News of the Church locally: His Holiness Pope mourns Twadharos Anba Pham +++ commissioned by the decision bull Bishop Pachom full supervision on the pastoral Diocese of Tama after Anba Pham +++ Mass consolation Trahim Abba Pham Brighton and +++ with a pure heart the same enlightened, so lived the governor of Sohag +++ Mourns HG Bishop Anba Moussa Fam +++ mourns his brother in ordination: known for his love of prayer and praise +++ President of the cultural Center, the Orthodox mourning Anba Fam + Bishop Marcus: Christianity was interested in peace and peaceful coexistence +++ Government Vq to adjust the positions of 53 churches and building a service continued its governorates +++