![news april10 for copt4G news april10 for copt4G](https://scontent.fruh2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/17799426_1338554989515969_6854734253741581953_n.jpg?oh=7aa3a2f7c768db5dcfaab72bc41be29b&oe=598F1715)
News on Monday, the Blessed 10 April 2017 m 2 Bermuda 1733 partners ( two season Pascha ) from preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : a statement from the church city arthome about the bombing of the church. Marjorie photo tanta ocated St. Mark preseed condemns this terrorist offers sons of our church who were killed as they prayed and palm fronds the content of the memory of the entry of Christ into Jerusalem and anah martyrs of the cops +++ the prayer. the arrival of the bodies of the martyrs of the Church of the Marghera photo tanta +++ Prayer of the season Pascha on the victims of the Church of the Marghera photo tanta +++ anba Moussa : We thank the President Mr. to use it fast with the bombing of the church +++ the monastery of the martyr St. Mina mret funeral of funeral of the martyrs of Alexandria today +++ news Coptic locally : the uncle of the light servant of the Church of St. Mark to prevent the entry of terrorist quote with officer +++ Sheikh Al-Azhar : the bombing of Churches scheme criminal and ignite his civil war +++ the East : find the pieces, stitch a separate bombing of Alexandria +++ ghada Wali help the families of the victims of the bombing of the Church of the hospital of tanta ossed and designers in all hospitals +++