News on Wednesday, February 7, 2018: 28 Tuba 1733 for the martyrs, prepared by the Copts of the World: News of the Church locally: The Church celebrates the commemoration of the three great News on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, corresponding to 28 Tuba 1733 for the martyrs of the Coptic World Radio: News of the Church locally: The Church celebrates the commemoration of the three great Seidic holidays +++ Church: Thursday Nahdet Rouhia to commemorate the martyrdom of the Copts of Libya +++ Abba Raphael: Some of the talk wrong acts +++ Fire inside the rest of the Church of the children of Morjan in Menia +++ Launch of the Egyptian family home in Mahalla Al-Kobra in the presence of the governor of the West +++ Copts News Worldwide: Copts Australia donate to the family of the martyr Helwan Church guard +++ Copts News locally: Team "Big Heart" paints the smile in the orphanage +++ father The pharmacist "Andrew" killed in the United States: «The dream turned into a nightmare .. Myself buried» +++Sides of the Day +++ The Church: Thursday A spiritual renaissance to commemorate the martyrdom of the Copts of Libya +++ Abba Raphael: Some of the talk wrong acts +++ Fire inside the rest of the Church of the children of Morjan in Menia +++ Launch of the Egyptian family home in Mahalla Al-Kobra in the presence of the governor of the West +++ Copts News Worldwide: Copts Australia donate to the family of the martyr Helwan Church guard +++ Copts News locally: Team "Big Heart" paints the smile in the orphanage +++ father The pharmacist "Andrew" killed in the United States: «The dream turned into a nightmare .. Myself buried» +++