News of the blessed Saturday, September 26, 2020 AD corresponding to Tut 16 1737 for the martyrs prepared by the Coptic Radio of the World: Church news locally: His Holiness the Pope receives the Korean ambassador in Egypt +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the Egyptian Consul in Melbourne +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the Brazilian ambassador in Cairo +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the American ambassador and his deputy +++ His Holiness the Pope: I pray and trust that the negotiations between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan will move forward towards a solution appropriate for all +++ His Holiness the Pope receives our priest in New Jersey +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the Council of the Church of the Virgin of Olives +++ Three New nuns to the monastery of Saint Damiana in Al-Barari +++ Notice from the Monastery of Barramos not to receive visitors, including priests, families of monks, and the youth of seclusion, and there are no exceptions due to the current circumstances +++ Notice from the diocese of Monastery Mawas and Delga from circulating forged receipts sealed with the seal of the Lord’s brothers +++ statement From the Church of Our Lady in the city of Quba, with an accident, a gunshot, from an unknown source, wounded his daughter to the church and is under investigation +++