News of Tuesday, May 8, 2018, corresponding to the 30 th of Baramouda 1733 for the martyrs (the Holy Pentecostals), prepared by Radio Copts of the World: News of the Church locally: Under the patronage of His Holiness the Pope .. Celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the Virgin Olive +++ His Holiness Pope The Holy Mass is presided over by St. Mark's Apostle +++ Celebrating the 27 th anniversary of St. Mark's Hospital ++++ Siamah Kahnin to serve the Temoh villages +++ Makari Tadros: Donation of members of love + +++ St. Demiana Monastery in the Prairie begins to build a +++ + Church News Worldwide: Opening of the North Carolina Services Building +++ Activity Stepped up to the Diocese of America and Canada Youth Church service +++ Eritreans south of France +++