News on Monday, January 13, 2020 AD 4 Tuba 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Copts of the World: Church News locally: Professor Dr. Ahmed Aziz, President of Sohag University welcomes the Holy Father at the headquarters of the Diocese of Sohag +++ Shield of Sohag University guided by its president a. Dr. Ahmed Aziz for His Holiness the Pope +++ His Holiness The Pope cuts the ribbon at the opening of the St. George Schools of the Diocese of Sohag and the facility and the Maragha in the Eyes of Egypt series +++ His Holiness the Pope and the Governor of Sohag unveil the memorial plaque dating to the opening of the St. George schools of the Diocese of Sohag and the establishment and the Dagger in Eyes Egypt Series +++ His Holiness The Pope: The St. George School School Great Pride +++ His Holiness The Pope mediates the leaders of Sohag Governorate before the dinner held in honor of His Holiness at the headquarters of the Diocese of Sohag +++ Father’s Fatherhood and the Love of Children .. Sohag Parish People In the Diocese of the Pope of His Holiness, The Pope, +++ A memorial of the priests of Sohag's dioceses with His Holiness the Pope during his meeting with them +++ A word for the Holy Father in the meeting of the priests of Sohag governorate of the Six+ ++ His Holiness The Pope: The priest's work is key in the church +++ The Holiness of the Pope announces the issuance of "The Garden of Priests" and distributes it to priests “Sohag” +++ His Holiness The Pope listens to an explanation of the design and icons of the structure of the Church of the Virgin and St. Anba Abraam in the Diocese of Sohag, which is scheduled to be inaugurated during his current visit to Sohag +++ His Holiness The Pope praises the work of the “priest” +++ after its renewal .. His Holiness The Pope inaugurates the Church of Our Lady at Girga +++ His Holiness Pope blesses the commemorative plaque of the inauguration of Be Miss Virgin Mary in Girga +++ hands of His Holiness the Pope, His Eminence St. Markorius and the Church’s rabbis extend to anointing with the sacrificed oil of Meron in the name of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph El Naggar in Girga +++ His Holiness the Pope explains to the people participating in the prayers the arrangement of the inauguration prayers after the completion of the construction works of the Virgin Church in Gerga ++ + His Holiness the Pope inaugurates the icon "The Pantokrator", meaning everyone in the structure of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Girga in the name of the Virgin and the children of Bethlehem in Girga +++ Sermon of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in the Mass at the inauguration of the Church of the Virgin in Girga +++ The Pope's Holiness inaugurates the icon holder of the Virgin Temple and children Bethlehem The Church of the Virgin Mary in Gerga +++ Departure of a virtuous priest from the Archdiocese of Giza, Father Father Paula Nabil, Priest of the Martyr St. George, with the Quail +++ Prayers for the Funeral of the Honorable Paula Nabil in his Church with the Quail of the Quail +++ The condolence of the Almighty, the Father Paula Nabil today, with the Quail and Tomorrow at the Archdiocese of Giza +++ Pope Tawadros offers condolences to the Archbishop of Central Giza for the departure of the Priest of Nazlet El-Samman +++ Church news globally: educational activity in the Diocese of the Netherlands in cooperation between the Free University of Amsterdam +++ His Eminence Tadros to serve the Eastern Churches of Sydney: I am happy to study your questions and suggestions +++