![news august10 for copt4g. news august10 for copt4g.](https://scontent.fruh2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/38930713_1867931246578338_1785626210861056000_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=a5f506d9e30713afe0423f83d8959032&oe=5C08F06F)
News Holy Friday 10 August 2018 m corresponding to the 4 electrode 1733 partners to set up a radio Copts in the world : news of the church locally : Statement of the Committee of the Council of the affairs of monks and monasteries about doing the resolutions and recommendations of the Committee to maintain the Church in all its institutions and service +++ the Commission of the Council of the affairs of the monks supported the Pope tawadros in an official statement +++ anba Peugeot takes to the monks of the closing pages of social media +++ the Pope aware of prevent the priests from appearing on the Christian channels without permission +++ comment from the family of the Monk "votes" on the talk section of "Judas" +++ opening of the Book Fair Cathedral in Alexandria +++