News on Wednesday of the Blessed January 16, 2019 M 8 tuba 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : the pope attends the Earth Awards contest, "Egyptian beauties" scene Anba Royce +++ souvenirs to Pope Tawadros on the occasion of the feast of sit around. + + + Pope Tawadros : the contest ” Egypt group ” came to the streets belonging among young people +++ “Ramses Marzouk” : Quiz Egypt Assembly showing the image of civilization for the entire world +++ Photo award-winning “Egypt Assembly” on the Immigration Department website +++ certificate of appreciation to His Eminence Anba Makarios of the palace of culture of the semen +++ Anba for checking Copts tenth of Ramadan +++ Naguib Gabriel advances filed a complaint against the Elbaz +++ the Council of ministers performs the closure of the three churches of the place to please for a hardcore +++ Anba Isaac Ibrahim : The statement of the government jet to close any churches, the office false the legitimacy of militant +++ free.. Council of the churches of Egypt celebrates its foundation +++ Bishop Beamen leave the hospital in Cairo and examinations centre, Magdi Yacoub, Aswan +++