News on Monday, a blessed December 24, 2018 M, corresponding to 16 Kiahk 1735 partners ( Marian month ) of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : the educational series of the sermons of His Holiness Pope ..... "The word in grandeur" (10) +++ stories of life ( 41) .... "No throat" of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II +++ St. Michael denies the letter attributed to him on the Reverend Isaiah +++ the governor of Damietta use Anba Marcos and a delegation from the Church of Virgin Mary +++ T A. Gerges writes.. the steadfastness of the Copts in front of the evil forces +++ Anba Moses writes, how I belong to Egypt? +++ Tell the Copts locally : epiphany amend the schedules exams "rights conf" +++ the spread of security in the streets to secure the celebrations of Christmas and New Year + + + the "advisory" warning of terrorist attacks in birthdays +++ security presence is intense with Roxy and the churches of Heliopolis within the insurance plan Christmas +++ the governor of Sohag pays tribute to the vigilance and readiness of the military and police forces tasked to secure the monasteries, churches, + + + the scholars of Al-Azhar: promoting from congratulating Christians on their holidays is not consistent with the company +++