News on Monday, June 11, 2018, corresponding to 3 Bouna 1733 for the martyrs, prepared by Radio Copts of the World: News of the Church locally: Church sources: Pope Tawadros reshapes the seminaries in early July +++ Musa Moussa writes .. Love, security and participation +++ 23 Training course Various .. Graduation of a new batch in the "programming robot" Bishop Youth +++ Congratulations Banha and Quesna Eid al-Fitr in the province of Qalioubia +++ Feast of Anba Abraam Bader Filomium +++ T-shirts and 30 Epislets Bshbin Kom +++ New Melloui + ++ Siama priest in the parish of Beni Suef +++ Diakon and 6 Agnastisin and 44 Ibsalts in Sweden +++ News of the synagogue Professor ATHS: "The study of theology belongs to all aspects of our lives ... Spill your life and share it with others .. Make your life a living testimony in the education you have received" +++