News of the blessed Monday, August 10, 2020 AD corresponding to the 4th of Masra 1736 for the martyrs prepared by the Copts of the world broadcast: Church news locally: His Holiness the Pope meets with the Board of Directors of the Mokattam sector +++ His Holiness the Pope receives His Eminence Bishop Yousab the General Bishop in Luxor +++ His Holiness the Pope receives His Eminence the Pope Theodosius, Bishop of the Diocese of Central Giza +++ The Departure of the Monk Rafael Al-Muharraqi +++ The Evangelism Magazine ... The Journal of the Coptic Orthodox Church Issues 29 and 30 year 48 +++ Former Papal Agent in Alexandria: Those with cruel hearts wound the Lord Christ with their sins +++ towards Genesis No indoctrination ... Characteristics of a formative leader +++