News on Thursday, May 23, 2019, corresponding to the 15th of Bashans 1735 for the martyrs, prepared by the World Copts (Holy Two Holy Mosques): News of the Holy Synod: Visit of the Holy Father to the German city of Ona and the inauguration of the church. + The Pope: I am facing unfair accusations +++ The departure of one of the elders of the priests of Alexandria +++ The parish of Melloui celebrates the 33rd anniversary of the inauguration of its first bishop +++ The church in Maadi prays for its children in the exams +++ The Pope and the Sea And Adharos: Coptic language teaching responsibility of the house and the church +++ Bishop Jeremiah writes .. «Jawhar» News +++ church worldwide: mention of the Diocese of Paris and northern France about people claiming to be priests of the diocese and should not deal with them +++