News on Tuesday blessed January 8, 2019 M, corresponding to 30 Kiahk 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : After a hundred years, His Holiness the Pope giving a speech in the mosque of Fattah's Science in the capital managerial of the New + + + + + + His Holiness Pope Tawadros II participates in the opening ceremony of the mosque "Fattah of science" +++ His Holiness the Christmas in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ +++ the word of Sheikh Al-Azhar in the opening of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the capital, New Management +++ the word of the president at the opening of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, the new administrative capital +++ President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria come to church after they opened the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ +++ President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria listening to a brief explanation about the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ +++ President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi congratulates the church, Egypt, the birthday of Christ with the opening of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ +++ congratulations to the governor of Minya to work ordination was held terms and knead a +++ congratulations to the governor of Qalyubiya work ordination was held in Banha and our +++ in the holiness of Christmas.....Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Port Said celebrating Christmas +++ His Grace Bishop Pachomius receives the governor of the lake. congratulations for the work +++ the Christmas Mass been isnà at +++ in the mass of the feast .. the Diocese of akhmeem art celebrate Christmas. + + + Christmas Mass been the Sinai of North +++ the children of the Diocese of Minya and provide flowers and bouquets for the security guard +++ congratulations to the governor of Giza to work ordination was held tamoh and accessories +++ measurements of the Assiut Governorate congratulate the work in the diocese so did +++ capacity .. the odds of the diocese so did Christmas. + + + Measurements of the Assiut Governorate congratulate the work in the Diocese of Al qūşīyah Murphy +++ Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Beni Suef celebrate Christmas. + + + measurements of the Beni Suef governorate congratulate the work in the Diocese of Beni Suef +++ capacity .. the odds of the Diocese of Al qūşīyah and Murphy Christmas +++ the Christmas Mass been the structure of the auction and phase +++ in the mass of the feast .. the Diocese of Sohag celebrate Christmas. + + + congratulations to the governor of Sohag to work ordination was held in Sohag +++ congratulations to the governor of Sohag to work ordination was held akhmeem +++ congratulations to the governor of Port Said violence +++ in the mass of the feast .. The Diocese of Tama celebrate Christmas +++ the Diocese of Menoufia celebrate Christmas. + + + His Grace Bishop Benjamin meet the governor of Menoufia congratulations for the work +++ His Grace Bishop Peter receives the governor of Cairo to congratulate the work +++ His Grace Bishop against the bishop of the eastern city of tenth of Ramadan city receives governor of the eastern congratulatory back +++ Congratulations to the governor of Dakahlia work ordination was held MIT Ghamr DCS +++ congratulations to the governor of Qalyubiya +++ His Grace Bishop Cosmas receives the governor of North Sinai, congratulations for the work +++ measurements of the Giza governorate congratulate to work in the Diocese of Northern Giza +++ Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Mallawi celebrate Christmas +++the odds of the Diocese of New Valley, oases, Christmas +++ the festivities of Deir Al-Shayeb Christmas +++ His Grace Bishop Silwan receives well-wishers to work +++ His Grace Bishop with the bishop of Suez meet the governor of the city of Suez congratulations for the work +++ the odds of the Diocese of Zagazig, including wheat +++ capacity .. the odds of the Archbishop of St. Mark in Alexandria ...... Christmas +++ congratulations to the governor of Alexandria, Christmas in St. Mark in Alexandria +++ His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, in a dialogue with well-wishers to work around the opening of the mosque of Fattah Sciences and Cathedral of the birth of Christ +++ His Holiness the pope receives a delegation of Veterans +++ His Holiness the pope receives the president of the Catholic Center for cinema + of + the+ Secretary-General of the league of Arab states and the governor of Cairo, former Indian Pope work +++ the delegation of the Ministry of youth and sports congratulates the work +++ His Holiness the pope receives Minister of manpower and +++ His Holiness the pope receives Minister of the interior +++ His Holiness receives the governor of the lake +++ news of the church universal : in the holiness of the holiday .. the Diocese of the south of France and Switzerland celebrate Christmas +++ the holiness of the holiday in Sweden +++