News on Saturday, blessed February 25, 2017 Dec 18 amshir 1733 partners of preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : with the spa there anba Demian .. His Holiness the Pope receives a delegation of Germany +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the President of the Evangelical community and the Delegation of German +++ His Holiness the Pope meets with Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary +++ the statement of the Egyptian Church, about the events of Al-arish targeting Egyptian Copts +++ news Coptic locally : Governor isih : Providing accommodation for 25 beds Coptic. displaced people from the north of Sinai +++ Canon engine provided housing for 12 families of his Christian his displaced people from the north of Sinai +++ the Diocese of Aswan again warned the Copts from the spotter claims he's a monk +++ terrorism performs a heinous crime in the neighborhood of the flowers in the Sinai, mentions the Coptic. VII during the days of the +++ pastor Michael : the departure of a Coptic citizen from Sinai and killed a father in front of his daughter and then to slaughter. + + +