![news june27 for copt4G. news june27 for copt4G.](https://scontent.fcai1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36176726_1796099137094883_5979331745823064064_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=a351f5eaca3acbba0b092b5338757d17&oe=5BA9FBE6 )
News on Wednesday, the Blessed 27 June 2018 m 17 been 1733 partners of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : a visit by His Grace Bishop pachomius pastoral to +++ after the annexation of the tourist places within the journey of the Holy Family.. T-shirts Matthias Morris, a priest of the Church of the Virgin Mary generously: the church is ready to receive the delegations as it was century 15, and preparations are intense for the reception of the Delegation of the Vatican +++ a round of surprise to the Director of security of Cairo on security installations and churches built. + + + send the Sisters of the monastery of St. Demian +++ news of the church universal : Ordination of a new priest for our church in Norco +++