News of the blessed Sunday, December 3, 2017, corresponding to 24 Hatour 1733 for the martyrs of the World Copts broadcast: News of the Church locally: renew our days as old ..... 12 courses in the program of His Holiness Pope for the development of ecclesiastical education in Sohag for "1000 church teachers" ++ + The end of the training program of His Holiness Pope for the development of ecclesiastical education in Ain Shams and Al-Matareya +++ Mass and "qualities of the priest" for the priests of the dome and the waili +++ Siyama 8 priests in the Minya parish +++ Siyama New priest of the New Valley +++ On the love of all .. Sheikh Wahid Abu Fadl: Terrorists are not Muslims +++ The return of the spirit of the Church of Magrgis in Tanta after 7 months of The Bishop of Tanta: the establishment of a museum of the holdings of the bombing of the Church of St. George +++ Hundreds attend the first mass in the church Margrages 7 months after the bombing of +++