Thursday's news of the Blessed September 20, 2018 Dec 10 total 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : efficient operations of the finalists for the competition sports festival preaching of St. Mark in Fayoum +++ feel the remains of Certificate company in Damanhur +++ probability of C Sunday school dead immersion +++ seminar "behind the launch of the icon of the flight of the Holy Family" Rotary Heliopolis +++ the governor of Cairo received a delegation of the Orthodox Church +++ the bishop of Tanta and related accessories: I was assigned to follow up the events of "Damascus" +++ His Grace Bishop parties gets a doctorate in art and antiquities and the Coptic - a model Monk and perfect +++ news of the church universal : His Holiness Pope unveiling the plaque to inaugurate the Church of the Virgin made basis +++ the inauguration of the Church of the Virgin Mary Girgis, open +++ God's promises to us in the year of the Coptic new "ask and you will receive, and your joy will be full" bite me mass launch +++ Virgo Mars and Mary Gerges on the altars of the Church of Hope +++ His Holiness the pope presents a commemorative gift to the bishop of the Catholic Church, during his attendance to welcome Holiness Church of the Virgin fame of Mar Gerges plan +++ His Holiness the pope presents a souvenir to his guests of the Catholic Church, the Church of the Virgin fame of Mar Gerges plan +++ His Holiness the pope inaugurates a special baptismal Church of the Virgin fame of Mar Gerges plan +++ news Coptic locally : the judge of the objections semen rejuvenates remanded 21 accused in the events of "Damascus" sectarian +++