![news september3 for copt4G news september3 for copt4G](https://scontent.fruh2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40538890_1906392729398856_1078024804042276864_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=95fda8821a6db168f565fc79500ec8d0&oe=5BF0B800)
Are both blessed September 3, 2018 m 28 electrode 1733 partners of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : "Norte Egypt" .. His Holiness the Pope asks the hashtag "Enjoy Egypt" the network certification Forum +++ address of His Holiness Pope tawadros II at the closing ceremony of the forum week, the first global network of the Coptic Church on can iCloud +++ at the conclusion of the Global Forum .. His Holiness the Pope: Click experience opportunities for all +++ His Holiness the Pope receives the envoy of the United religions initiative +++ the celebration of the inauguration of the Cathedral finally service activity based search control +++ probability of C Sunday school Monastery of the statement of Beni suef +++ 1700 young people and servants ...for the sixth consecutive year .. "For You" Network samalut +++ feel the remains of St. Tecla Hyman the discussion in the birthday. + + + the silver jubilee of the festival's artistic sense. + + + the programme of His Holiness the pope to develop education, Church, training the servants of esna on the skills of learning history +++ Open the door to accept a new batch for diploma of Arab Heritage Christian +++ campaign to rationalize the consumption of water, Church of the Virgin Mary, gharbia +++ Deir anba shenouda, Australia hosts the Copts, Ethiopia +++ the Union of the world Christian students organized a tourist trip to see the next artifact +++ "Pope tawadros" live the formation of committees "the trials of the church" the priests ... the Committee on papal end the crisis "sureness" +++