News on Saturday, April 4 by copt4g

News on Saturday, April 4, 2020 AD, corresponding to 26 Baramhat 1736 for the martyrs prepared by Radio Coptic World (Holy Great Lent): Church news locally: O Lord, accept us at this hour and every hour. Our requests (15) "Kiriye Ellison" .... wait for us Every day at ten in the morning and a new daily message from His Holiness the Pope +++ contemplate verse (2) .... His Holiness Pope Tawadros II +++ This is the time for penance change your hearts towards heavenly matters .. His Holiness Pope Tawadros II +++ because of Corona ... an Orthodox monastery in Thailand that provides food and accommodations for those in need +++ St. Macarius: God's showing that he is vengeful is an insult to him +++
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