![news june15 for copt4G. news june15 for copt4G.](https://scontent.fruh2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35148101_1776288745742589_7609326818826387456_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=3ad07bf5ba44d0e813c6f3c6eb8a70e6&oe=5BB62A03)
News Holy Friday 15 June 2018 m corresponding to the 7 best 1733 partners to set up a radio Copts in the world : news of the church locally : His Holiness Pope certifies private screening "for" +++ treasures of our church...... The gospel of the mind and thought of the church sermon weekly Holiness Pope tawadros +++ ordained deacon deacons new Lake. + + + visit the servants of the Church of Mar girgis ten hospital 57357 +++ His Grace Bishop mark inspects the king Church, shoubra Al Khaimah +++ the Diocese of shoubra Al Khaimah congratulates the leadership of Cairo Eid al-Fitr +++ meeting of the priests and the opening of the player in the "brown auction uses" +++ news Church global : the Diocese of Turin in the breakfast of the Egyptian Embassy in the Vatican.