![news january13 for copt4G. news january13 for copt4G.](https://scontent.fruh2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/50292159_2093437507361043_7822358442248503296_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent.fruh2-2.fna&oh=203b41b8395a0a7c558d8a1ed3aa0dec&oe=5CCF77B4)
News on Sunday, blessed January 13, 2019 m 5 tuba 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : Congratulating the local leadership and retain Assiut +++ the ceremony of the declaration of the winner in the contest of the Coptic Church, "Egyptian beauty" on Tuesday next scene Anba Royce +++ the departure of elder priests of ancient Egypt shirts Peter Bakhit priest of the Church of Anba Shenouda in ancient Egypt +++ prayer to make the device archpriest Peter Bakhit ancient Egypt +++ Bishop Julius presiding over the funeral, the elder of the priests of ancient Egypt +++ Pope Tawadros mourns elder priests of ancient Egypt +++ in memory of the departure, the odds of the monastery of "the beloved" out the patron saint of the +++ church begin their quest to unite the holidays in 2019.. Sources: it will be 2020 +++ the bishop of Minya reveals the details of the crisis of Saffron: The Vagabond are they forced us to close the church. + + + events Crocus Palma hosts the president and by the Christians..by Soliman Shafiq +++ militants saffron village Abou qurqas semen further prayer of the Copts and sealed their church. + + +