News of the blessed Friday of June 14, 2019, corresponding to 7 Bouna 1735 for the martyrs of the Coptic World News: Local News of the Church: The weekly meeting of Pope Twadros II at the Church of the Transfiguration of the Pontifical Logus Center at the Monastery of St. Bishoy in Wadi Al-Natroun +++ The Wednesday meeting of the Abbey of Bishoy +++ The closing session of the Holy Synod +++ The journey of enlightenment and ignorance ... The speech of His Holiness Pope Twadros II At the closing session of the Holy Synod, His Holiness Pope Twadrous II hopes in the story of the disciples of Emmaus +++ The Holy Synod recognizes the Monastery of Maryano The beloved in Ismailia +++ The body of the priest Jesse Mikhail from the old burial place and put it in the new bakery Batma +++ Governor of Dakahlia witness the tenth day of the Bishop of the crusade +++ Coptic section of the University of Damanhour +++