News of the blessed Thursday, November 23, 2017 Corresponding to 14 Hatour 1733 for the martyrs of the Copts World News: News of the Church locally: a warning about the cancellation of the Pope's weekly meeting for a period of weeks for the conditions of his travel abroad for treatment of the mother Backache +++ Back pain return Pope Tawdros .. The Church : + Pray for him + +++ Put the wooden box in the structure of the new cathedral +++ Pope Tawadros: I do not possess myself in front of the crying of children +++ Pope Tawadros: I seek to establish an episcopal for children like the Archbishop of Youth +++ Upper level .. Conclusion of the conference Belief in Benkada +++ 31 "Ibidakun" new to the church of Papa Dublow +++ News Church Lama: For the first time .. Land of the Coptic Church in Malawi +++ Coptic News locally: Prevent Sheikh Abdullah Rushdie "Copts Copts" to appear on satellite screens +++ Basma Wahba: "I refuse to expiate the Copts .. And the end of Surat al-Baqarah order us" + ++