Are Tuesday the Blessed August 21, 2018 Dec 15, the electrode 1733 partners of preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : three axes for the joy in the week the world first network of the Coptic Church. artsy +++ the ordination of a new priest in the "Christmas business" Best +++ the martyrdom of a priest been due and Reverend father, the Reverend Philemon Abdallah Oriental priest of my church of the Virgin fame of St. George, the village of barberry +++ anba Moussa: A careful study of the gospel demonstrate the existence of seven sacraments +++ the bishop of Beni Mazar Opera congratulates the governor of minya Eid al-Adha +++ St. Luke's dispatch delegates for congratulations Eid al Adha +++ news of the church universal : the odds of the fast of the Virgin, Paris +++ heard locally : Copts continue to celebrate the drafting of the Virgin Monastery of roads and bridges projects: ... the slaughter of sheep and goats in the love of St. Mary, and to baptize the children in the convent of roads and bridges projects: after Jesus Christ .. Bishop of Assiut: congratulates Muslims by birthday age +++ judicial sources: Death awaited those accused of killing Bishop Abu for the first session +++