News of the blessed Monday 27 November 2017 AD 18 Hattour 1733 for the martyrs of the World Copts News: News of the Church locally: I was prevented by health conditions from participating in myself in this patient ...... From abroad: Pope sends a voice message to condolence The Egyptian people in the martyrs of the mosque of the kindergarten ++ His Holiness Pope Julius to visit the victims of the Arish +++ 7 new monks in Deir al-Shayeb in Luxor +++ Abba Makarios expresses his regret and affirms his love for Bishop Botros Catholic Bishop of Minya +++ Tell the Copts Local: Jamal George writes .. The day that the bells of the churches sounded a grief on the blood of Muslims +++ News For Copts Worldwide: "The Dutch Coptic" visits the United Nations and the European Parliament to clarify terrorism in Egypt +++