News of Wednesday, 5 June 2019, corresponding to 28 Bishnas 1735 for the martyrs of the preparation of the world Copts (Holy Two Holy Mosques): News of the Church locally: the monastery of Bishoy Bishoy .. The growth of pastoral work in the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ Fathers Bishops and Bishops participate in the events Conference of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ Workshops in the events of the conference service Coptic churches in Europe +++ 50 branches .. Start examinations of the Institute of care in Egypt and the Diaspora +++ "family disintegration" and "recognition" at the European Churches Conference + The Holy Mass was presided by His Holiness the Pope this morning at the Bishops' Abbey Coptic Churches in Europe +++ His Holiness Pope Twadros II with the members of the Conference of the Service of the Coptic Churches in Europe in commemorative photos +++ His Holiness Pope Twadros II in his meeting with the Morning Light program +++ Departure of the priest of Fadel in the Abbey of Luxor Father Al-Wakour, Saint-Anba-Boushoumous + ++ Prayers of the best of Daniel the Balzineh in Luxor +++ Anba Yusab presides the prayers of the funeral of the priest Daniel in Luxor +++ Copts of the Diaspora declare their refusal to unite the dates of holidays +++ Port Said: Church of St. Ant News on Wednesday Wednesday 5 June 2019 corresponding to 28 Bishnas 1735 for the martyrs of the preparation of the World Copts (Holy Two Holy Mosques): News of the Church locally: the monastery of Bishop Bishoy .. The growth of pastoral work in the Conference of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ Fathers Bishops and Bishops participate in the events of the Conference of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ Workshops in the events of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ with 50 branches .. Start examinations of the Institute of Care in Egypt and the Diaspora +++ "family disintegration "And" Recognition "at the Conference of European Churches +++ Divine Liturgy presided over by His Holiness Pope Alio Pope Bishoy in the activities of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe +++ His Holiness Pope Twadros II with the members of the Conference of the service of the Coptic churches in Europe in pictures of the memorial +++ His Holiness Pope Twadros II in his meeting for the morning program +++ Departure of the priest Fadel in the Abbey of Luxor Father The priest of the Church of St. Abachomius in Zenith +++ Prayers of the best of the priests Daniel of Balzine in Luxor +++ Anba Yusab presides over the prayers of the funeral of the priest Daniel in Luxor +++ Copts of the Diaspora declare their refusal to unite the dates of holidays +++ Port Said: Delegation of the Archdiocese of the province Congratulates alumni organization Blossom Eid al-Fitr +++ Thursday .. Church of St. Anthony Divine Ascension Festival complement Weather +++