News of the blessed Thursday March 28, 2019 corresponding to 19 Baramhat 1735 for the martyrs of the preparation of the World Copts Radio (Holy Holy Lent): News of the Church locally: His Holiness the Pope receives the delegation of the African Commission +++ charity charity .. and a new number of the magazine Alkraza +++ Pope Tawadros explains the meaning of almsgiving in the new issue of preaching +++ Meeting of the weekly week of the Virgin and the Bishop Bishoy +++ The start of the first Russian trip to the path of the Holy Family .. And the doctor of the Egyptian Muslim bear the expenses +++ Today .. The anniversary of the fortieth anniversary of the crucifixion Matt Sawiris ++ + Thursday .. A memorial service for the colors of the crucifixion at the Church of St. George + Joint Church / Azhar Church +++