News on Tuesday blessed 18 September 2018 M 8 total 1735 the partners of the preparation with Copts in the world : news of the church locally : work camp Church of the Virgin plan is open +++ Anba Makarios sent a text message to the president on the Copts of Damascus +++ note Anba Makarios, the president said: trust in your wisdom to resolve the crisis of the Copts in Minya +++ the Diocese of Qena celebrates the return of His Grace Bishop purchased from treatment outside. + + + news of the church universal : His Holiness Pope up the city of Buffalo. + + + the inauguration of the Church of the Virgin was Moses trans +++ a souvenir to His Holiness the pope for the honor of Judge of the city of North Tonawanda, Buffalo +++ Grant occupied by the Qumsieh family you two tone +++ three roots of the faith : "Moses the Black, strong in his repentance, the pope decor strong in faith his words and her children are strong in their martyrdom "homily of His Holiness Pope the Church of Saint Mary of the witnesses Moses the black sand New York +++ the icon of the Holy Family a gift of His Holiness Pope for the door of the closet of the mayor of the city of sand +++ mayor of the city of sand welcomes holiness, and shows in the picture The Most Reverend Bishop David was Mini +++ news Coptic locally : Muslim engaged Copts of Luxor prospect generator "certificate with her children" +++