News on Sunday the Blessed 13 August 2017 m 6 electrode 1733 partners of preparation eat Copts in the world : news of the church locally : Pope tawadros: Negative criticism the cause of the frustration designers +++ anba conclusion explains in an official letter the reason for his request to leave the Diocese of fayoum +++ Copts in fayoum launches a campaign to raise read Paul's conclusion to leave aieia +++ the School of deacons the Church of Saint Paul Archdiocese samalut +++ the odds of the monastery of the Virgin mountain conf +++ der “abode” is facing a crisis and turn it to prevent the car back. + + + gene involved in securing prospects for the monastery of ”data race”+++ news Coptic locally : the Director of "the passage of Assiut": Conversions in the way of "Agni" to coincide with the "Virgin Mary" +++